Getting Started

Step 1: Apply to Hawai’i Pacific University.

The first step to taking classes at HPU will be to fill out the application. Here is the link to the Application:
*The application fee of $50 is not required if applying to a Military Campus Program (MCP) at HPU* 

Acceptance to HPU is based primarily upon a combination of academic ability and motivation. A student's previous academic records, grade point average (GPA), extra-curricular involvement, and work experience are all used to determine eligibility for enrollment.

**Preferential admission is given to active duty military personnel only for MCP degrees** 

Step 2: Obtaining a Degree Plan

While you are waiting for acceptance, you might want to start planning out your degree.
See Link for: Programs Offered Through Military Campus Programs

Unofficial Evaluations
Hickam’s Academic Advisor can prepare an unofficial evaluation of your past credits once you select a degree-seeking program.  There is no cost and no requirement that you take classes with HPU before having an unofficial evaluation prepared.  To have an unofficial evaluation done, email a copy of all transcripts from colleges and universities previously attended, any CLEP / DANTES results, and copies of your military work experience (e.g., AARTS, SMARTs, CCAF, etc.) to
(Please do not email any transcripts until you’ve obtained all your transcripts from the originating schools. Allow 2-3 business days for your unofficial evaluation.)

Official Evaluations
After you've been accepted to HPU and paid all applicable fees, you must ensure that all your official transcripts from all colleges and universities, military experience, and CLEP or DANTES results have been forwarded to HPU at the following address:
Hawaii Pacific University
1 Aloha Tower Drive
Honolulu, HI 96813

Once everything is received by HPU, your official transcripts will be reviewed within 60 days (as marked from the last received transcript). 
**Please note that while we strive to have all official transcripts reviewed in a timely manner, there may be delays in the process that may extend the review beyond the 60 days.

Step 3: Registration

Now that you have a degree plan, you are ready to enroll in courses.
To Register, you will need to be able to access your myHPU account.

First-time Students:  first-time students must meet with their base advisor before registering for courses. Because there are a limited number of seats in each class, we advise that you register early.  Registering early also helps prevent course cancellations due to low enrollment.  

We recommend that you continue to consult your Academic Advisor to ensure that you are enrolling in the appropriate courses. 
See link for our current schedule of courses: MCP Schedules
If you need a placement exam: Placement Test Info

HPU Bookstore:

Step 4: Paying for your Tuition

Tuition is generally due after the first week of classes. If you have a balance due after all applicable tuition assistance, financial aid, VA funding, and or scholarships, you may pay by the following methods:
*In person at any HPU base location (exact cash and check only)
*Paying online via HPU Pipeline

Congratulations! You are now officially registered.
Please refer to respective tabs above for additional info.